Happy Pride! Here's how you can help...

Happy Pride! Here's how you can help...

Happy pride month!

Yes - it is that time of the year again. A month used to help raise awareness for the LGBTQIA+ communities, and to send a positive message to the world - it’s okay, and acceptable, to be you.

Of course, it does not have to be the month of June to support, and discuss, those communities. However, June has the added bonus of the summer sun (at least here in the United Kingdom), and with that comes the pride parade. The festivities are due to kick off in London later this month, with the full parade marching at the start of July. If you live in or around Europe, like me, and want to check out pride-related events near you, why not use the Pride Events website, to see what’s on in your area?

For those in the United States and elsewhere - there are many ways you can also celebrate. One way, is through donations. If you have a few bucks (or more) to spare, why not consider donating to The Trevor Project - a LGBTQIA+ charity that specialises in mental wellbeing and support. Their work is invaluable, and no matter where you are in the world, you can donate via their website. One-time or recurring donations are acceptable, with no minimum amount required. It’s also possible to pay using PayPal, which is handy if living abroad.

Here are a few more charities that you can check out, if willing to show support:

If you are not able to donate, then you can still help. Sharing is caring, and helping to raise awareness about any of the charities above could potentially help save lives. Feel free to pass the message on to a friend, family, or on a social media account of choice. Showing that you care is important, and always appreciated.

To all of our readers - if you are a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and / or a minority group, know that we see you, we love you, and that we support you. Always feel free to reach out to us either on social media, or via our contact page. You are never alone, no matter what you are going through - even if it isn’t the month of June.

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